Scrollback-Alternative Cross-Platform Chat

Hello All,This post will cover most things about the new super friendly , least resource hungry and superbly secure embedded cross platform chat - Scrollback. Not only is it Open Sourced but its also has some cool Student Ambassador Programme  that I would be talking about later in this post.

So why Scrollback?

I would love to talk less and depict more with as much Screenshots to make it simple for users who are addicted to "whtsapp" or tired of the old "IRCs"

Landing Page
Well now lets jump to the chat room look and then to the details of how Scrollback outcasts rest of the prevailing chat clients
This is where one can name the desired room they want to visit or create one

When you want to simply create a room (if its not there) you would require to be logged in.Well,this is where list of super cool features begin. Scrollback lets you choose between two sign on options.One is the Persona where you only need to authenticate your corresponding email address and NO extra privileges are required to log in and the second one, signing up using the Facebook.In both the cases the user doesnt have to create another account to create a room. In case the visiting a room which is there,the user just need to know the room name and if they want to NOT disclose their identity they can simply carry on with the default name which is assigned to every user who is not authenticated by Persona or Facebook.

This is how the Persona authenticates itself.
Now comes the second awesome feature of Scrollback.All the messages of a particular Scrollback room are automatically archived and grouped into discussions.Users have the ability to search the relative messages with keywords and that's not everything.The each chat thread can be twitted and with just few clicks.More,you can mention the people in the chat room much like you tag users on a Facebook post.The chat can also be linked with IRC and any hashtag on twitter.Below is the image of how you mention people and can simply tweet any message directly from the chat .
One Single click is all it requires to be posted on twitter
So,by now you all  must be wondering how secure is it really for the users? well, to answer this there are way more security measures that are already implemented.
  • Only the room admin can decide who can post in the room which means if the room admin wants the unauthenticated users to not have the right to post then they can do it.
  • Only the room admin can decide upon if the room is to be connected with the IRC channel and to make this bit more secure ,the channel operator has to also allow the merging .
  • Only the room user can link the room with an twitter handle or hashtag.
  • The admin can use the spam control to block the use of certain words which might break the integrity of the room.
  • Customizing the chatroom with other fine tuned services are under development and will be coming up though that will be subjected to charges after they become production ready
The new opportunities:

  • Scrollback is opensource and is totally free. if you are an developer. You can contribute to the codebase.If you are right now in front of the terminal, type in

wget -O && chmod +x && ./

To run Scrollback run:
sudo npm start
  • There is also the Scrollback Buddy and Campus Ambassador Programme.This is for the college students who will have loads of opportunity ahead.The interest ones can simply go and read up the document . For any details, All fill up the form in the document or contact Priyanka.  
Thanks for staying and sorry for making this insanely big!


  1. Hello Sumantro,
    The Article about Scrollback-Alternative Cross-Platform Chat is nice.It give detail information about the SCROLLBACK with detail specification ,Thanks for Sharing for sharing the information about it.Xamarin Developer


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