Workstation Graphical Upgrade From Fedora 23 to Fedora 24

This post will guide how to upgrade from F23 to F24 with gnome.

First lets start with a machine with Fedora 23 fully updated.
Once you are done, you will be ready to start off.

**Make sure you are not going to use your production machine as this test might result in data loss.

Enabling COPR repo : dnf copr enable rhughes/f23-gnome320

Update your system :
$ sudo dnf update      

REBOOT your system before proceeding furthur!                              

Editing the fedora.json file

You can find the file at ~/.cache/gnome-software/3.20/upgrades/fedora.json .

Find f24 and change the status key pair value from "Under Development" to "Active"

     "allow_retire": true,
     "branchname": "f24",
     "date_created": "2016-02-23 22:57:55",
     "date_updated": "2016-02-25 20:39:53",
     "dist_tag": ".fc24",
     "koji_name": "f24",
     "name": "Fedora",
     "status": "Active",
     "version": "24"

Once done, log out and log back into your system. If everything has gone right , you will see
this in your Update tab of Gnome software.


That's how you can upgrade from F23 to F24 easily with Gnome 3.20


  1. Shouldn't the sudo dnf update command be run after the copr has been enabled and not the other way around? :)

    Great post - I'm trying it out now. Will fill up the test matrix if I can figure it out - haven't done it for a while. Maybe a post on that would be useful too? ;)


    1. Hey Ankur!

      My bad, I have addressed your comment. Filling up the test matrix is easy. I will write about how to host your own test day in an upcoming post!



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