This post is a very small example of how you can start creating small web apps with Rocket which extensively uses Rust under the hood. This post will just give an idea about how to get started if you are totally new to rust. Rocket is a web framework for Rust that makes it simple to write fast web applications without sacrificing flexibility or type safety . All with minimal code. - Getting started: Start by installing rust nightly on your system or virtual box: $ curl -sSf | sh -s -- --channel=nightly Setting up Project and Dependencies: Setting up the project is easy cas you can go ahead and execute cargo new hello-rocket --bin Once the execution is completes , you will have a binary application created with a Cargo.toml file and src dir with inside it. For setting up the dependencies you need to update the Cargo.toml file. Now,...
Thursday 2017-04-06 will be Anaconda Blivet-GUI Test Day ! As part of this planned Change for Fedora 26, So this is an important Test Day! We'll be testing the new detailed bottom-up configuration screen has been long requested by users and inclusion of blivet-gui into Anaconda finally makes this a reality. On the other hand, it just adds a new option without changing the existing advanced storage configuration so users that prefer the top-down configuration can still use it. to see whether it's working well enough and catch any remaining issues. It's also pretty easy to join in: all you'll need is alpha 1.7 (which you can grab from the wiki page). Anaconda grew a rather important new option in F26: as well as the two existing partitioning choices (automatic, and the existing anaconda custom part interface) there's now a *third* now you can do custom partitioning with blivet-gui run within anaconda, as well as using anaconda's own interface...
Epilogue The GNOME Asia 2023 Summit, a key event in the open-source technology calendar, took place in Kathmandu, Nepal, from December 1 to 3, 2023. This conference is the premier annual event for the GNOME community in Asia, focusing on the GNOME desktop, applications, and development tools. The GNOME Foundation, which oversees this summit, aims to bring together various stakeholders, including users, developers, foundation leaders, government representatives, and businesses, to discuss present technologies and future developments. This iteration of the GNOME summit (as will be covered in the report) will have two parts, the community and the actual event proceedings. GNOME Asia Summit brought back the key FOSS stakeholders of Nepal into the limelight and also collaborated with the Fedora Project - helping them host a Release Party for Fedora Linux 39 and Celebrate the 20th year of the Fedora Project. Day 0 Like all "great" FOSS Projects do, Day 0 is all about intense colla...
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