Time to test Fedora Media Writer

The new Fedora Live USB Creator that is being finished has an overhauled, more user friendly interface. Because USB sticks are the most common way to install Fedora, it should be the primary download option. It cover the whole installation media creation, it lets the user pick the right flavor of Fedora, downloads its image, and copies it to a USB drive. It will provide an easy-to-use tool for all major platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X) which will be offered to users as the primary download option. That should generally lower the barrier for potential users to try and install Fedora.
To make the above endeavor successful ,  Fedora QA team is organizing an Fedora Media Writer Test Day.

What will we be testing ?

1.Installing Fedora Media Writer
2.Writing Fedora images to the USB flash drive
3.Booting up and verifying the USB

How to participate?

This is an open to all event, everyone can participate by going to the test page. Feel free to ask a  specific query either on #fedora-test-day.


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