Foss Presence Delhi - A Bootup Program

On a Saturday evening , Saurabh approached me with the idea of how he would like to organize an event in his college which is going to talk about FOSS and Fedora in depth. Saurabh has been an active contributor to various FOSS projects for last 2 years and Fedora QA contributor for some time now. He possess immense knowledge on containers , automated testing and kernel perf testing . Apart from these , he's is a backend developer with NLP as his forte.

The idea was intriguing and was something which will help the contributor spectrum to increase at an pan India level. So, without much delay , we started brainstorming and came up with a plan of how to do the event. Couple of hours of brainstorming and we finalized the event . It was evident that we need to bring more awareness in the college students and help bringing together like minded people who will learn and contribute , eventually form a strong regional community and keep the FOSS culture growing.

Furthering on the idea of retention and engagement of new contributors , we decided to work together and come up with follow up meet-ups to address the doubts and explaining something new every 15 days. 

The planning pad can be found here .

Few Details
1.Name: Getting started with FOSS and Fedora
2.Event Timings: 2016-07-12 12:00P.M. - 2:30 P.M.
3.Event venue : Northern India Engineering College
Organizer and Speaker : Saurabh Badhwar
5.Purpose of the activity:
 1. To bring awareness about FOSS and Fedora
 2. To bring up new contributors to the community
 3. To create awareness about pathways to contribution
6. Sign up Sheet


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