Kernel testing made easy!
Hey Folks , this is sincere effort to bring into notice that people who want to stay on top of the game in terms of bleeding edge. The most important part is to check if the kernel version is supporting your system fine. If it does , then its awesome but if it doesn't you might wanna report it to the team with the proper failure logs which might be helpful for future references. To get started with , you need a bleeding edge kernel to start with. You can get the latest kernel from Bodhi . Most of the kernel(s) are updates and hence you need to enable update-testing repo to install the kernel from the update-testing repo. Once you have enabled the update testing repo , you can also disable it by executing "dnf config-manager --set-disabled updates-testing". While I'm writing this the latest kernel in update-testing for f25 was "kernel-4.9.10-200.fc25" Once , you are done installing now , comes the part of checking if all the virtal features of ...