Fedora 26 Release Party Bangalore

It's always good to celebrate releases. In Fedora, we celebrate the release by holding a release party wherein the fedora users and contributors comes forward and learn about new features in Fedora and how they can contribute to the upstream project.

People from different colleges from Bangalore joined us on 2017-07-22 at Red Hat Bangalore Office to celebrate. As many of the students were new to Open Source , Saurabh Badhwar took the first session briefing about FOSS and Fedora. He shared his story as how he started using Fedora and later started contributing to the same.

Followed by Saurabh's talk , I[sumantrom] went up and started to speak about the new features in Fedora 26 and some upcoming things which are coming in Fedora 27. The major changes which were covered other than version bumps of DNF , Gnome and languages were Modularity.

It was time to celebrate for all the new features we worked on and we will be using for years to come. It sure was the perfect time , to cut the cake and kick off the party!

After the cake cutting , It was a good idea for people to know what are the things which Fedora 27 will be having . To address one of the major changeset  of Fedora 27, Vipul and Prakash gave a talk on Modularity. They explained in a nutshell the concept and the working. The audience were thrilled to know about the new changes.

After taking general question on the changes and briefly talking about how to contribute , we ended the release party on a positive note. The next cycle for Fedora 27 is upon us , promising to usher this release with loads of love from contributors across Bangalore.

A hat tip to those without whom this party wouldn't be possible,
  1. Rejy
  2. Sankarshan
  3. Sudhir


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