FOSSWave Session 207-06-21

The day started with Smit Thakkar talking about Git and Github. This was mostly a hands on session where Smit talked about What is version control system and how it works.He walked though how to put the code to github and how people can solve merge conflicts.

The next half of the session was taken by Buvanesh Kumar, this was on virtualization , types of virtualization and how attendees can create VMs. This was beneficial to people who are starting with linux for the first time.
The third session was on Perf and Scale, where Saurabh spoke about how to get the most out of the resources available at your disposal. The key topics included how to scale up httpd to handle a large number of concurrent requests, how to monitor and analyze the resource usage of your applications using open source tools such as collectd, statsd, graphite and grafana and how to utilize the collected metrics to optimize your applications to get the best performance out of them.
The last session was on upstream contribution where Saurabh and me talked about Fedora QA and Red Hat Perf as two main projects where the people can start contributing.Finally , around 1700 hrs we wrapped up with a group photo.
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